What You See; What You Learn – Part 2 of 2

SS.What You See

What You See – Part 1

Charles glasped his hands together on the table to prevent picking nonexistent link off his shirt sleeve. “Miss Karen,” he began …  

Karen tilted her head to one side as she listened to Charles answer her questions. She’d known from his reaction to her telling him to ‘Go sit down’ that he’d make a good slave. Unbeknownst to Charles his training had begun the moment Karen stepped through the door.

“Are you on your lunch break and have to go back to work?” Karen said cutting off Charles’s commentary. 

“Yes, Miss Karen.”

“Charles, trust is important in any type of relationship. Do you trust me?”

Karen watched his Adam’s apple rise and fall as he gulped down air. 

She cocked up an eyebrow.

“Yes, Miss Karen.”

“Which vehicle is yours?”

Charles pointed to it from his seat. “Give me your credit card and go sit in your car.” 

Karen sat expressionless staring into Charles’s eyes. He slowly leaned forward just enough to retrieve his wallet from his back pocket. He fished out a credit card and held it out to her. “Thank you,” she said. “Throw my cup away on your way out.”

“Yes, Miss Karen.” 

Charles sat in his vehicle trying not to look inside the store’s windows to watch Miss Karen. He resigned to lay his head back on the headrest and close his eyes. Whatever happens happens. I can always report it stolen on my way to the office.

Tap tap tap. Charles opened his eyes as he straightened his neck and looked over at Karen … 

“A dozen donuts for your coworkers.” Karen handed him the box, his credit card, and the receipt. “Trusting someone is scary, but it’s a requirement for this arrangement to work.”

“Yes, Ms. Karen. Thank you Miss Karen.”

“You’re welcome. Message me later telling me what their responses were.”

She turned quickly on her heels and began walking away. “Miss Karen, please,” Charles said as he exited and stood by his vehicle. “May I approach?” 

“You may.”

“May I speak, Miss Karen?” Charles asked as he walked toward her.

“You may.” 

He stopped two feet in front of her and held out his hand, “I trust you.”

Karen took his credit card and looked at him carefully. “Dunkin,” she said. “That’s what I’ll call you.” She turned and walked to her vehicle and drove off. 

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I journeyed from GED to a PhD in Psychology. I decided to focus on my writing once I retired from the clinical field. I write in various genres and have several WIPs for publication once edited. I post articles on this website for intellectual and entertainment purposes.

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